Saturday, March 16, 2013

Factors Affecting A Child's Traits

Factors Affecting A Child's Traits

1. Abuse

There are 5 types of abuse. It may be physical, emotional, neglect, sexual, and spiritual

1A. Physical

Physical abuse is the 2nd worst type of abuse.

It is when the abuser hurts the child physically by hitting him/her, throwing him/her or other horrible things we could imagine

1B. Emotional

It is when the abuser says bad things on the child. With a young age children can change while the abuser gets the hang of this until the child decides to suicide if the abuser keeps on going until he/she goes to the right age

1C. Neglect

Neglect is the kind of abuse that is widely done throughout the world. Neglect is when the abuser doesn't care about the child. Leaving him/her in an empty space and let her starve there. Neglect is also 3rd of the most causes of death on child abuse

1D. Sexual

Sexual is the 1st worst type of abuse

Sexual Abuse is when the abuser sells the child or even take advantage of her

1E. Spiritual

Spiritual is when the abuser stops the child from praying or doing any religious things

How does these affect a child's traits?

Physical Abuse
Cooperative >>> Unsociable
Brave >>> Coward
Happy >>> Insecure
Constant fear

Emotional Abuse
Confident >>> Lack Self - Respect
Constant Surrender
Does not care for itself

Loss of love
Constant Hunger

Sexual Abuse
Constant consciousness
Constant fear


2. Bullying

This is almost present in all schools in America

Bullying is when your classmates or even schoolmates hurt you or even say bad things to you

2A. What are the types of bullying?

1. Physical Bullying
2. Emotional Bullying
3. Cyber Bulling


All of them are suicidal but the most reason of suicide is Physical Bullying

2C. What is Physical Bullying

Stated in Bullying Statistics that Physical bullying is a serious problem, affecting not only the bully and the victim, but also the other students who witness the bullying. Parents, teachers, and other concerned adults and young people should be aware of what physical bullying is and some of the ways to handle it.

Physical bullying occurs most often at school, though it can also occur on the way to and from school and after school. Middle school is the age when bullying is most common, with almost all middle school students being affected directly or indirectly by bullying. This is an age where young people want more to fit in with their peers, making some students more likely to bully or condone bullying to fit in, while those who don't fit in stand out more as victims. Bullying can also occur in earlier grades, as well as through high school and even into adulthood.
Physical bullying is more likely to occur among males, though females may also be the perpetuators or victims of physical bullying. Bullies may have any number of reasons for bullying others, such as wanting more control over others, and wanting to fit in. Bullies are often physically stronger than their victims and have friends who condone their behavior. Students who bully others, however, often have trouble with self control, following rules, and caring for others, and are at higher risk for problems later in life, such as violence, criminal behavior, or failure in relationships or career.
Victims of physical bullying are usually physically weaker than the bullies, and also may be socially marginalized for some reason, including weight, ethnicity, or other characteristics that make it harder for them to fit in. Bullying can have serious consequences for the victim, leading to low self esteem, depression, trouble at school, and sometimes even violent behavior.

So how do we suspect Bullying

  • Coming home from school with bruises, cuts, or other unexplained injuries
  • Having damaged clothing, books, or possessions
  • Often "losing" things that they take to school
  • Complaining of frequently not feeling well before school or school activities
  • Skipping certain classes
  • Wanting to avoid going to school or going to school a certain way, such as taking strange routes home from school or not wanting to ride the bus
  • Acting sad or depressed
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Saying they feel picked on
  • Displaying low self esteem
  • Mood swings, including anger or sadness
  • Wanting to run away
  • Trying to take a weapon to school
  • Talking about suicide or violence against others
How do we stop those who are bullied from doing suicide

If a student is a victim of bullying, show love and support to the child and explain that the bullying is not their fault, and that what the bully is doing is wrong. Talk to the victim to find out when and how the bullying is taking place, then talk to teachers and school administrators about the problem. Bullying should always be taken seriously. Don't encourage the victim to fight back. Often the best way to deal with bullies is to avoid them or react as little as possible. Unfortunately, with physical bullying this is not always possible. Staying with a friend or friends or where adults are supervising can sometimes help deter the bullying. If the victim is struggling with feelings of depression or anger, seek counseling to help them deal with their emotions.

Parents should talk to their children often about what goes on at school, including their friends and if they ever see or experience bullying. Parents should encourage their children not to support bullying, even by watching it, and to report it if it's happening. Depending on the situation, the student may be able to stand up to the bully, show support for the victim, or at least walk away from the bullying and report it to an adult. 

2D. What is Cyber Bullying

Also from Bullying Statistics that Cyber bullying is when a child or teenager is harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened or tormented using digital technology. This is not limited to the Internet; cyber bullying also encompasses bullying done through such things as text messages using cell phones. It is important to note that cyber bulling can only happen between minors. When an adult is harassing children or teenagers, it is known as cyber harassment or cyber stalking.

Cyber bullying is often a systemic attempt to get another child or teen to feel bad about him or her self through electronic communication. It usually happens more than once, and includes leaving demeaning messages on someone's Facebook page, uploading embarrassing photos, or spreading gossip or rumors through instant messaging and text messaging. There are a number of ways to humiliate and threaten children online. And because the damage is often psychological, and carries over into the real world, the threats posed by cyber bullying can be very real. There have been cases where cyber bullying has led to severe depression, self harm and even suicide.

What are the different kinds of Cyber Bullies

While some of the traits of cyber bullies are similar to more traditional bullies, it is important to note that there are some differences. Some cyber bullies are victims of real word bullying, and go online and bully others to feel powerful. Others are bullies offline, and want to extend their sphere of influence and power to the online world. Other cyber bullies just want to show that they can do certain things online to show off. 

What should parents do if their child is being cyber bullied

In some cases, it is possible to get law enforcement involved - especially if an adult becomes involved and brings the level of offence to cyber stalking or cyber harassment. It is vital that your child comes to you when cyber bullying takes place. It is usually possible to print the screen showing the offending action. Additionally, it is possible to trace the IP address of the user, and locate the computer from which the cyber bullying is taking place. This can help prevent further incidents.

Ultimately, though, it is important that your community as a whole takes a stand against cyber bullying, teaching kids to treat each other with respect, and to see that it is unacceptable when others are being hurt or harassed.

This was taken from Bullying Statistics, if you want to see Physical Bullying Click Here
if you want Cyber Bullying Go Here

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